
Men's Grooming


Bald fade


This service consists of Razor Fade on the sides and a trim on top using shears or clippers.

“Kids Haircut”


This service is for Kids 11 years old and younger.

Policy cut “regular haircut”


This consist of a blend on the side with a minimum amount of hair from a 1/2 Gaurd and higher. This is not a BALD FADE!!!

Men's Grooming

Beard service


This service is a hot towel applied with massager on hand. Giving you a relaxing vibe to ease the mind. Then there will be an exfoliating cream to cleanse the top layer of skin peeping it for a shave on a clean surface reducing the risk of impurities invading your face ending up with that pimp the always gets popped. No bueno.

Original Cut And Shave


This service consists of a Men's Haircut exfoliating facial with a massage to knock off all that nastiest you’ve acquired sense your last vist to give you want you need back in your life. Some Repect on ya Game.

The Royal Flush


The "Total Recall" is for any man with a Beard who is looking to go from bum to the best looking version of himself. This include Haircut/ shave/ facial & Beard shaping(trimming).